We all know the problem. Hours in the track and more hours in the gym. You’re well on the way to being twice as fast as that Usain Bolt… But can you get a pair of jeans that fit? Keirin Cut Jeans from Oakland California understand the problem – and they have a solution . And we have a pair – and a rather natty t-shirt – to give away – as well as runners-up prizes of Keirin Cut Jeans musettes.
US track cyclist Beth Newell was no different to any of her fellow competitors, battling the problem of jeans that simple wouldn’t fit over her muscular thighs – right up to the point when she decided to do something about it. Working with Adil Abubakar, they hatched a plan and launched a kickstarter project to raise $37,786 to get the first batch of jeans produced. At the time of writing, they’d raised $91,416 with 17 days still to go.
At trackcycling, we thought it was a great idea – so we backed the project. We secured a pair of jeans from the first batch – to be delivered by mid-February – and a Keirin Cut Jeans t-shirt and musette. Then we remembered… we’re not sprinters… We have normal thighs… So we decided to give them away to one of our readers.
So how do you enter? It couldn’t be simpler. Send an email to jeans@trackcycling.net with ‘Keirin Cut Jeans competition’ in the subject line and tell us the circumference of Beth’s thighs before midnight (GMT) on the 31st of December*. That’s it. We’d like to keep you up to date with what we’re up to – and so would Keirin Cut Jeans – but we fully understand if you want to be left alone. So just add KCJ-No and/or TC-No to the subject line and you’ll be in the hat, but off the list.
Of course, we only have one pair – so you may not win. If you don’t want to take that risk, there are still just over two weeks to snaffle a pair by backing the kickstarter project.
In the meantime, we’re off to the gym. We really like the logo, so we need the thighs to justify wearing them.
*We won’t be sitting there checking, but we will look at the time we received the mail – not the time you sent it!